Feedback New Honor Talents

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 6, 2015.

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  1. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I just got 40 a month or 2 back, and supernatural regeneration isn't as useful as it seems in pvp, and usually useless in pve. Not worth the points, especially if you are a heal-dps DK.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I beg to differ. In 1v1, I usually only lost to PvP LVL 40 DKs with Regen who would run every time I got them low... I would get them to the point where one more hit would kill them, and then they would run. It may not be huge, but it it certainly makes the difference sometimes.
  3. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    1v1, that makes sense. I almost exclusively do 5v5. Will try some 1v1 over the next week and see how it goes.
  4. bezryl

    bezryl Active Author

    as others have said, getting the lvl 40 fame talents was the only reason i ever bothered with pvp, now that everyone is getting them and they are nerfed i see no reason at all to do pvp. cooldown timers on them what a joke!
  5. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    I like the new fame "tree" personally. All the players who were basically given their honor by hiding behind strong guildies now have to rely on their gear and skill set up more than given damage and resistance from the old tree. It only makes sense that if you're going to PvP then you should know how to use your toon in battle and not just run the flag for points.
    The new fame "tree" should also help with gem sales now lol.
    Now nerf the all the twinks, take away their free unique gear sets and PvP will be just fine at every level.
  6. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    I dont get one thing, are these fame points distributed till lvl50 fame or do we get to play around with only 40 points.

    SUPERDOUPER Junior Expert

    i dont like this new fame tree, 2 min cool down for supernova is stupid, and some of us worked hard to reach lev 40 and unlock all fame talent and now everyone will have it? just dont like where this game is going to
    shadow-whisper likes this.
  8. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Yes, you still need honor points to level up the PvP tree.
  9. Readypost

    Readypost Forum Apprentice

    There's no reason for me to continue leveling my new sw's fame. For me, my only motivation for pvping is to get liberation and cyanite shield, you know useful skills for pvp and pve. Now u r removing them from me. I have a dk with 2 fame levels away from regen, probably wont waste my time now. I really see no reason to wait the long que for useless honor points. People complain about pvp not being balanced, soon people will complain the que time is too long (well even longer) because no one is signing up for a match. wait nvm no one will complain about pvp because no one cares anymore. No more gems/$$ from me anymore too since winning (more honor) wouldn't matter.

    Developers, what are we paying you for?
    shadow-whisper likes this.
  10. fate_2.0

    fate_2.0 Forum Greenhorn

    my motivation to the fame tree now vanish.... im playing pvp to unlock lot of talents and seems kind of useful in pve which is a thing that you keep earning for it.. and now everyone can have it.. how sad :(
    shadow-whisper and Yogo like this.
  11. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    Unimaginitive fame tree, one part of it is only useful in 5v5/3v3/6v6 (battle instinct, ready to fight, supportive aura) and one part useful in 1v1 , so this means everytime we change the mode of pvp we play we need to redistribute fame, its doable but pvp could be so much more interesting if there was enough talent points to play around with the skills for the multi opponent battle mode and other new skills and the 25% +- were made passive skills like before. suggestion would be to make puncturing shots, steadfast passive and introduce more fame skills which would give us more customized options. 25% +- is a huge facet which could block out all the playing around with skills as the developers wanted the players to do. either make it passive or give enough points to play around with puncturing shots and steadfast without compromising on playing around with the other talents
    shadow-whisper likes this.

    SUPERDOUPER Junior Expert

    i agree its totaly lame, why havent u leave fame talent as they were before and just aded a new skill? why change something when its not broken, and now u have ruined everything, First supernova for sw, aanticapiation 3 sec, so everyone can avoid it, and cooldown 2 minutes why? it doesnt make sense, and i see some are saying that will only work in pvp not in pve, many of us have worked hard to gain lev 40 skill and now u go ahead and ruined it all, please leave supernova like it was dont change it...
    shadow-whisper and Yogo like this.
  13. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    for me pvp is ok th skills are EDIT now so i dont even have to worry about lvl 50 pvp lvl 35 more than enough!
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 9, 2015
  14. shadow-whisper

    shadow-whisper Forum Mogul

    All we wanted was to add new skills for lvl 45 and 50 in the old tree, not this :mad::mad::mad:

    Downgraded, simplified, uninteresting, lame ... the new PvP skills are simply atrocious. There´s nothing interesting here, I worked hard to get that 35 liberation and 40 buff skills. Now I feel cheated because they are moved into the other sections and I lost so many time by playing PvP. If this will be implemented on normal servers I will never touch PvP again because there is no point in playing it anymore. And I believe I am not the only one. How long will be the que times for waiting on match now ?:rolleyes: You are taking away from me something I put a lot of effor into, and some people even high money. This is called disrespect to the old players...:(

    Of course, not only that. Let´s compare the Old skill tree vs. the new skill mess

    Old one offered quite interesting choices each 5 pvp levels. I dont believe all players were using just one combination, even I myslef was switching between them from time to time.

    But what we have now ? +25% bonus to fame ? Who will use this instead of taking either +25% bonus damage or 25% damage reduction from other players ?
    60% shorter stuns. Not sure if that´s worth it when each class have skills which can cancel negative effects and stuns completely ?
    Time to fight and Battle instinct can be used at the same time ? With lower effect however ? Well, usefull ones nevertheless.
    Supernova, never been a fan of this (why does the mage have 2 minutes cooldown ? Who will take this ? Reduce the range instead if anything)
    The new skill supportive aura looks interesting but could have been handled much better.

    So, if I´m going to play 1v1 I will choose +25% more damage to other players and 25% reduction from other players. No doubt.
    If I´m going to play 3v3 I will choose the same ones.

    For 5v5, either take the same ones, or mix it with some of the skills on the bottom line.
    6v6 ? Same as 5v5.

    You call this diversity ? The old system was much better and offered MORE diversity. After the full overhaul of experience tree which turned out to be pretty awesome, I expected great improvements to the PvP skills. But no. :(

    Don´t see a single advantage in this rework. Maybe for new players - they don´t need to play PvP anymore, but what else ? A huuuge downgrade.

    I would really like to keep the old tree just with new skills added for 45 and 50 levels.
    The auras could be very interesting. Maybe make 2 options of them, one offensive one defensive (one for right side one for left side - speaking about the old pvp skill tree now) and make them different for each class ? For example DKs adding more armor to allies around 10m or something, while rangers increasing speed and mages giving bonus to damage ? I believe this would fit in much more.

    Very disapointed about those changes, looks like PvP will become a waste of time.
    Kráčajúci and SUPERDOUPER like this.
  15. Mr_Syph

    Mr_Syph Forum Greenhorn

    simply outrageous!

    I have worked so hard and even paid money to get stronger in PvP only so i could enjoy the lvl35+lvl40 skills in PvE, that was the only reason i did PvP.
    I am lvl39 and will get lvl40 in 2-3 days, which i was very excited about, now you giving away the skills i spent so much time to earn basically for free?? so many days wasted on this PvP while i could easily get stronger by farming PvE and be satisfied with lvl 25 PvP.

    on top of that you bring cool-downs for those skills, i don't see the logic about that, took me a whole year to get to lvl40 in PvP, and i wasted all this time for something i don't even need.

    with this kind of expansion i would rather leave the game as it was, especially Fame-Treewise. i hope you wont take your time to realize no-one (even low lvl pvp players - as they wont have anything to aspire for) likes your new system and just switch back to the good old fame-tree.

    no one will use the more honor buff, unless they are Grand Marshals or more as they dont need the other buffs to win, and in that case you just handled it wrong twice, as you let the strongest get stronger more easily.

    Sorry i got no good words to say on the new skill system as the game wont offer me what i was looking for in it anymore!

    So disappointed :(
  16. .snakehunter.

    .snakehunter. Active Author

    New fame skills not much before,
    the healing is away, we must Play Long for this skill 1,5 years, now have all it - not right.

    Take old system
  17. hmm

    hmm Forum Apprentice

    Keep it as before and add a new one is most fair imo. All that time wasted to get these PvP skills would have been better to spent for farming instead.Try to keep the balance in game with new and old players don't make accessible eveything for everyone at start of game,imo.
    shadow-whisper likes this.
  18. Pandemonium

    Pandemonium Forum Apprentice

    For all these people saying they will stop pvp as soon as R155 comes back, you should remember that guild wars is not far away..... You will need these talents when it comes so don't neglect pvp just yet ;). In the twitch sessonsit was originally explained guild wars will have ander and gold rewards, so it should be worthwhile.

    On the topic of the new fame tree, I HATE that SW have a 2 minute cooldown compared to every other class which has a 1 minute cooldown, ESPECIALLY when you compare the new nova effects to the other 3.. it doesn't seem to be more powerful than the others, each have their own utility, so why should our ability cooldown be doubled, and thus the effectiveness halved?

    The 4 fame tree talents should be kept for pve as-well, I don't see the point of making them pvp exclusive. Maybe increase the fame tree minimum require to level these talents to 30 fame. Thus people can't level it as soon as they get 20 fame (which is very easy to get) and then it would be viable to put these abilities back into PVE as well.
  19. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Totally disagree... On each server .. all or most of the strongest players will band together in 1 or 2 super guilds, if they havent already. ... the rewards will be good FOR THEM! it will be worthwhile...FOR THEM! .. and suck for the rest of us.... I have been through this on a couple of games I played before DSO. In one of those games, So many people from the various servers quit playing because of the unfair, unbalanced nature of the system ... the game company HAD to implement cross server guild battles and PvP to try and stem the tide of lost accounts. I see this future for guild wars in DSO. There will emerge one super guild on each server that will get all the best rewards... all the time .. which will cause a loss of interest in the guild wars, and eventually, the game as a whole. There is way to much evidence out there to support this... both in DSO's past practices, as well as in the history of other games. Sorry... I personally have zero faith that this will ever be a good and worthwhile thing for all or even most players.

    Thanks, Doc.
    PessiMystic, Savage, Denemama and 2 others like this.
  20. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    It is a very common element in games and you are 100% correct, it never ends well.

    The entire incentive of a guild war is the creation of ultimate fighting guilds in order to collect the most rewards.
    DocWhisky likes this.
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