About inviting friends

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by whisperkiller, May 15, 2015.

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  1. whisperkiller

    whisperkiller Forum Apprentice

    Is it possible to get the phoenix anymore? How do my friends register to game (they had correct email got the invitation etc...) But i did not receive rewards? Can somebody answer/explain to me how the friend invitation system works?
  2. Lioness

    Lioness Forum Apprentice

    Check to make sure after your friend clicked the first link in his email that he then went back and verified the email address with the link that was sent. I experienced the same problem and not verifying the email address was the problem. Good luck!
  3. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    There are 2 things that will stop you from getting rewards. First the computer that clicks on that invitation need to be a different computer than the computer that sent it from the game. 2ndly they need to reach lvl 15.
    Darwarren likes this.
  4. Delikvent

    Delikvent Forum Apprentice

    Did they reach lvl 15 ?
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    1. Send invitation to your friends
    2. Your friend/s click on the link received on e-mail
    3. The account should be made within the referral link that opens.
    4. Your friend/s should reach level 15
    5. Only the first character on that account is relevant. If you create an character and leave it below level 15 and make another character you won't get the that account in the total number of friends on level 15 counting for the rewards ... even if all other characters (but the first one) are on level 45.

    That is not true:
    1. I can take my PC/laptop at my friend's place and to click on the referral link from there.
    2. If you were referring to IP address ... that is not true as well. IP address can't be taken as a proof for ownership. Two different persons can share same IP address in two different buildings.
  6. whisperkiller

    whisperkiller Forum Apprentice

    Thanks, Trakilaki, it seems that the IP adress is a problem. We made the characters (Me and my felllas) on the same WLAN, and had a race, who reaches lvl 15 first (lol) And i only got 1 ''friend invitation point'' for that, most of them already reached lvl 30 by now.
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